how to fix Trust Wallet not showing balance

How To Fix Trust Wallet Not Showing Balance?

Before you look for the right answers for how to fix Trust Wallet not showing balance, you should know that Trust Wallet is just a bridge between you and your blockchain. It will show what is available at your address.

How to fix Trust Wallet not showing balance

If your wallet application isn’t showing any balance, then you should look for reasons that are preventing you from checking your crypto balance.

  • It could be a different wallet like you are checking the wrong wallet and worried without any reason
  • You have restored the wrong wallet by mistyping the set of words you need to enter to recover your wallet. Until you enter the correct set of words, you won’t be able to recover your wallet.
  • If you are accessing the right wallet using the correct set of words and the wallet isn’t showing any balance, then you should understand that your wallet has been compromised.

Here’re a few answers to your question about how to fix Trust Wallet not showing balance. First, you should know that it is more technical than a fraud. There are more chances that you will resolve the issue by following steps:

Step 1: Coin/token support

Check whether the coin/token added to the wallet is supported by the wallet application. Trust Wallet supports 160K+ assets and over 40 blockchains and there are little chances of your coin/token not being supported by your wallet application. But you should check whether the coin/token added has the support. If it is supported, you can go on adding the coin/token manually to your wallet application.

Step 2: Confirm balance of an address

It could be the right answer to your question “how to fix Trust Wallet not showing balance.” And you will agree that checking whether the address that you want to check holds some currency. Chances are that the address you are checking has no balance. If you see the balance on the blockchain explorers, you should move to the next step.

Step 3: Reimport your wallet

It seems an easy job, but it involves a lengthy process. You need to remove the existing wallet and download a new application. It is advised that you follow all the steps so you can download the right app. Once the app is downloaded, you can check the balance. Chances are that you could check the balance after reimporting your wallet. If you still have issues with your wallet application, then you should move to another step.

Step 4: Test another device

Why don’t you access your wallet application from another device? It is a great idea and it could be the right answer to your question “how to fix Trust Wallet not showing balance.” Chances are that you could see the balance after changing your device.

0 thoughts on “How To Fix Trust Wallet Not Showing Balance?”

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  2. (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*’+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'”+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+”*/

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